Day-to-Day Lifestyle

Day-to-Day Lifestyle

Do you require assistance when performing day-to-day activities? Our staff can reach your place of residence, help with your daily household tasks, and deliver personal care.

We aim to provide independence to every one of our participants and help them play a part in the community they live within. Support is provided according to the plan you choose, depending on how much assistance you need for everyday living. Let us know your specific needs or requirements and leave the rest to us. We provide staff for up to 24 hours a day.

  • Assistance with Household Tasks includes meal preparation and delivery, house or yard maintenance, cleaning, and laundry.
  • Assistance with Daily Personal Activities – to enable people to live as autonomously as possible – by helping with personal hygiene, dressing, medication assistance, financial management, communication skills, and lifestyle mentoring.
  • Assistance with Daily Personal Activities (High-Intensity) – to enable people with more complex needs to live as autonomously as possible – support is provided by personnel with additional qualifications and experience.
“Cooking was such a chore before you entered our lives. Even though I loved grilling healthy food items, I could never reach the stove with ease. After your installations, life has taken a positive turn.”
Louisa Red

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