
Who We Are

Hope Solutions Care is an NDIS service provider based in Rutherford, NSW serving the Newcastle and Hunter Region.

Our goal as a support and care provider is to offer disability services that put the participant first, creating opportunities and promoting independence and progression in a safe and non-discriminative environment. We exist to support our participants in gaining freedom and control over their lives.

Hope Solutions Care complies with all National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Provider State and Commonwealth Government requirements for the delivery of quality and safe disability support.

Our unique approach to NDIS support empowers our staff with the freedom to work closely with participants, enabling them to communicate and build a unique understanding of how best to provide support. We make sure to hire people who reflect our values and believe in our mission to help our participants reach where they want to be.

Our disability support services are aimed at making a positive difference in our participants’ lives. Each person we help is encouraged and supported to live a life free of worry or prejudice, equipped to reach their true potential and live free of as many limitations as possible.

As an NDIS provider, we offer innovative, individualised, and domestic support to the disabled, and to people requiring special care.  

We strive to make each of our participants’ lives fairer, easier, and more engaged to participate in their own communities.

“I no longer sit in one corner of my room in misery, thinking about everything that I can not do. Hope Solutions Care made me realise all that I can do and gave me the power to do so much more with it!”
Louise May

Our Mission

To provide high-quality and effective disability services, where every person we care for matters.

We aim to open doors for those that are differently-abled. We believe everyone has a right to live a full life and become who they want to be. We offer them access to the tools and support they can use to get to where they want to be, promoting a fairer and more equitable global community.

Our Values

These are the values we strive to uphold, concerning our participants, their families and guardians, and our staff.

  • Respect – We respect people’s decisions, opinions, and views.
  • Honesty – We are trustworthy and tell the truth. We keep our promise to you.
  • Privacy and Confidentiality – We consider privacy and confidentiality to be of utmost importance as outlined in our Privacy and Confidentiality Policy and Procedure.
  • Continuous Development and Improvement – We will identify, with your help and feedback, where we can do better. We always work to improve our services and to uphold the Service Standards. Your valued feedback is always considered and acted on.
  • Safe and Harmonious Working Environment – We foster a safe and secure workplace that provides support, guidance, and acceptance to participants and staff.
  • Passion – We have a passion for our work, and for helping people. Every member of staff puts in their best effort, and we work with our participants as part of our family.

Need NDIS and disability support services in Newcastle and the Hunter Region?

Get in touch today to find a personalised solution that is right for you.